Mrs. Santana accompanied Paine's Spelling Bee Champion at the District Spelling Bee

TK/K Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year

National Blue Ribbon Award Acceptance in Washington DC

Paine Awarded National Blue Ribbon School 2023

Red Ribbon Week is October 23-27

Pure Games - Award winners
Principal's Message

A Message from the Principal… Mrs. Charise Santana
Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year! We're all excited to welcome our students back to school and meet new families. I hope you and your family had a chance to relax or take a trip. This summer, I worked summer school for two weeks but also visited Cabo San Lucas and Las Vegas with Mr. Santana, as well as a girl’s trip to the spa. |
This year, we'll continue to focus on implementing practices that align with our district's Strategic Plan: Academic Skills + Personal Skills = Lifelong Success! We'll share more information with students and families throughout the school year. This year, we'll continue to provide rigorous, engaging instruction aligned with state standards as part of our Academic Skills for Goal 1. For Goal 2, Personal Skills, we'll continue to use the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) framework, partner with Special Olympics Southern California to support inclusive practices, and continue with activities that align with being a “No Place for Hate” school ambassador. For Goal 3, Lifelong Success, we'll support students in developing scholarly habits and establishing a college or career mindset. To support student’s mental health, our Panther Wellness Center will still be available to students at least 4 days a week.
While we will miss Mrs. Lindy, I'm excited to introduce our new secretary, Nicole Simmons, who previously worked for the Westminster School District : "My name is Nicole Simmons and I am really excited to join the Paine Elementary family! I was born and raised in Garden Grove and a proud graduate of GGUSD! Prior to joining this community, I had the privilege to work as a Family Enrollment Specialist for the Early Ed Department at Westminster School District where I helped families find care and enroll their children in preschool. In my free time I enjoy doing some local volunteering, hiking with my family and friends, listening to music, and trying out new foods to eat! I look forward to interacting with the Paine family community and helping in any way that I can!"
I would also like to welcome the following new staff members:
We are looking forward to seeing students and families for another great school year. Go Panthers! |
Our School
Paine Elementary was named 2018 California Distinguished School for being a model school with successful practices that other school leaders hope to replicate. Here at Paine, we are proud to provide a positive and supportive culture for our approximately 500 scholars.
Paine's extracurricular programs provides many exciting opportunities for students, including:
- Our robust choral and instrumental program brings out the inner musician in each student. Students learn to read music as they execute a plethora of heartfelt performances throughout the year.
- Boys & Girls Club boosts student achievement and involvement each day after school until 6 P.M. Enrolled scholars build social skills as they form unforgettable friendships through exciting activities. Staff members also ensure that students fulfill the Power Hour, known as a time dedicated to completing homework.
- Intervention in the fall and spring is a two-week long course that reviews in-class material in unique ways. Educators review materials through games, activities, exercises, and traditional teaching. Scholars with the need to review material are accommodated, placing them on a path of academic success.
Teachers use cutting-edge instructional strategies and integrate 21st century technology into daily instruction. Our school also has a 1:1 computer to student ratio and students engage with innovative technology tools as part of the common curriculum.
Our highly involved PTO coordinates yearly events and quality assemblies. Paine offers many opportunities for parents to engage in their child’s education through online resources to help with homework support as well as family technology nights, PTO, and parent education classes. Parents may come and get involved by visiting our office or joining us at our fun events.
We are excited to bring in a new school year of academic accomplishments and emotional well-being. For questions or comments, feel free to visit us at our office.